Thursday, December 13, 2012

A521.9.4.RB Reflection on Leadership

This week we read about a different kind of leader from chapter 12 of the Leader’s Guide to Storytelling and Denning hit on some great information here.  There were several dimensions that he discussed:
  •          Interactive leader works with the world rather than against it.
  •          Interactive leadership both adds and subtracts elements from the leadership palette.
  •          Interactive leadership builds on personal integrity and authenticity.
  •          Interactive leadership doesn’t depend on the possession of hierarchical authority.
  •          Interactive leadership benefits from an understanding of the different narrative patterns that can be used to get things done in the world.

All of these dimensions are important factors to be a good leader, a different kind of leader, one that will change the way we think and act as leaders.  The workplace has changed so much that for leaders it is vital that they be willing and able to adapt and grow with these changes.
            As a leader my goal will be to learn to work with my surroundings instead against it.  What does that mean?  If I try too hard to sway or influence my followers within my organization I wield all the power and there is no give and take.  To be an interactive leader I will need to modify my thinking and use that energy at any level within the organization.  This means active participation from everyone not just me doling out commands and watching with disinterest.  I want to make sure I can connect with everyone within my organization including the followers I am leading.
            Another goal I have is to use the interactive leadership to convey my integrity and authenticity to my followers.  It is something that I notice is lacking in many departments within my organization.  If you are not sure what your leader stands for or that they are sincere in what they say there is no trust or faith.  When I can make it clear who I am and what I stand for my followers will not have to question what my agenda is because I will have to convey it to them clearly so they can understand it.  One must lead by example so if I am always complaining about the new system and how much I hate it my followers will pick that up as well and either agree with me because they just want to be agreeable or they will not have faith in my abilities to adapt to the new system.  The actions of the follower are only as good as those of its leader.
            One other dimension that I want to touch on is the interactive leader that benefits from having a good understanding that there are different narratives patterns to get things done.  This is where emotional intelligence comes into play.  It is important to be able to read and evaluate the emotions of yourself and others.  This doesn’t mean you are to control how others feel but when you can pick up on the emotions of others you can gear your narrative toward this to get your story told.  For example, if it is a very sober event you aren’t going to start your story with a joke if it is not appropriate for that that occasion. 
            The major points I take from this reading is that it is vital to be able to adapt and change with different situations, not close yourself off to learning and understanding the dynamics of your department or the organization as a whole.  You have to be able to connect with your followers and not have a fear of participating on any level from the mail room to the CEO of the company.  Leadership should not be my way or the highway and it continues to evolve and the only way to be an effective leader is to be able to evolve as well and listen and I mean really listen to what is going on around you.

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